Our professional tree staff starts the growing process right by selecting from a wide variety of tree stock to identify unique attributes. Unique traits such as flowering sequence, flower color, bloom fragrance and disease resistance are just a few qualities that add to the beauty and longevity of our gift trees. Many of the trees are patented varieties and their unique attributes make them a beautiful fitting gift to be enjoyed for decades.
Each gift tree will arrive ready to thrive and matched according to the recipient’s growing region in order to ensure the tree will thrive. If you ever have any questions, we would be honored if you get in touch with us at [email protected] and we will be happy to answer any of your growing questions. Your peace of mind is our top priority.
Personalizing Options

Our engraved, stainless steel tag is a heart felt way to express your empathy for a loved one who is grieving.

A thoughtful gift card is included with each purchase.

A personal name is engraved on this hand carved olive cross.

Made of birchwood and engraved with your personal details.