1. From the Seeds of Life website: The top right hand side of the screen, select "[Sign In]". Enter your personal account information.
*(If you do not have an account, click "[Register]" and enter the simple information)

2. Once logged in, you will notice the top of the screen will change to display "My Account" and you can click on it.

3. On the lower left hand side of the screen you will see an area to enter your gift certificate code. Once you enter the code you can click on "[APPLY]".
The amount of the gift certificate will now be applied to your account, and the current balance will be reflected.
4. Shop as you normally would using the drop down menus from the top.

5. Once you have selected the item of your choice, add it to your basket, and select "[Secure Checkout]".
6. Complete Shipping and Billing Information. Hit "[Continue to Shipping]".
7. After choosing a Shipping Method, you will Select Your Payment Method.

8. You should see the ability to "Apply Credit Balance"
9. The gift card amount balance will show as a credit.

This will be reduced from current total when you Complete the Order.

Can I use multiple gift certificates on the same purchase?
Yes, you can. Simply follow the instructions above to redeem all gift certificates into your customer account.
Can I use a partial amount of the gift certificate?
Yes. After selecting your shipping method and selecting "Apply Credit Balance" hit the "[Continue to Payment]" button. On the next screen you will have the option to use all your credit balance or a partial amount of your choosing.

Can I use the gift certificate to purchase something for someone else?
Can I transfer or give the gift certificate to someone else?
Gift certificates are not transferrable, but you can always use the gift certificate to purchase a gift for anyone you'd like!
Does my gift certificate expire?
No, gift certificates do not expire.