Memorial Potted Meyer Lemon

Hardiness Zones 7-10
The USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map is the standard by which gardeners and growers can determine which plants are most likely to thrive at a location.
Care Information
General Care
Watering: Overwatering and underwatering can harm your tree. If the soil is dry 2 inches below the surface, you need to water. Water once a week and increase as needed. Sun: Full sun - 6 hours full sun. Pruning: Prune your lemon tree early fall or early spring. Remove thin straight, dead, or diseased branches.
Planting Guidelines
Plant your Meyer Lemon in well-drained soil. Dig a hole twice the width of the root ball. Loosen the soil around the hole and fill with water. Fill back up with soil. During growing season (spring to fall), fertilize your lemon tree. Do this 3-4 times a year. Once early spring, early summer/late summer, fall.
Winter Care
During cold months, water your lemon to protect it from root damage; if kept outdoors. Providing some covering to your tree can help on nights with temperature drops. If potted, you can bring your tree indoors. Keep in the coldest room where it can receive enough sun.
Potting & Container
If you are potting or repotting a Meyer Lemon, choose a 5-gallon or larger container. Insure there are ample drainage holes. Fill the pot halfway with potting mixture for citrus trees, remove tree from original container and fluff roots. Place your tree in the center of the container and add more potting mixture. Press down on soil slightly and water.
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