Magnolia Ann Memorial Tree

Hardiness Zones 4-8
The USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map is the standard by which gardeners and growers can determine which plants are most likely to thrive at a location.
Care Information
General Care
Watering: Water 1-2 times a week. Especially when young, the soil should be kept moist. During hot or dry months, you may need to water more than once a week. Sun: Full sun is the ideal condition for the Magnolia Ann. Pruning: You can prune your Magnolia Ann immediately after it blooms. You can maintain your Magnolia as a small shrub if desired. Pruning is not required for the health of this tree.
Planting Guidelines
Plant your Ann Magnolia in a spot in your yard that receives full sun. The Ann magnolia grows in acidic, loamy, moist, rich, sandy, silty loam and well-drained soils. Plant in a hole twice as wide but just as deep as the root ball. Add a thick layer of mulch around the tree.
Winter Care
If not already planted into the ground, keep in a pot/container. The Magnolia can be kept indoors until ready to plant in early Spring. Keep in an area of full sun, water as needed. Magnolia Ann will lose all leaves in fall/winter. It blooms early in spring, when the trees are still bare.
Potting & Container
Magnolia Ann's can be grown in a container and transplanted into the ground in late winter/early spring. If keeping in a container, use a 3 gallon for the first 6-12 months. Increase container size as tree grows. Container-grown plants should be transplanted in spring or fall, mulched, fertilized at planting, and well-watered. Avoid fertilizing the tree during its slowest time of growth in fall and winter. Continued watering and mulching is required for successful establishment.
I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced due to the gift tree not arriving on time and the missing engraved tag. At Seeds of Life, customer satisfaction is something we take very seriously and anything less than ensuring you are completely happy is unacceptable. I know it is late, but I would like to make it right and reship your order. Would you please provide me with a shipping name and address for the family?
I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you, we appreciate your business.
Maria Jaimes
Thank you for letting us know about your Magnolia Ann tree. We are so very sorry to hear that it did not survive the winter. We know that is frustrating and disappointing and we do have a replacement policy. We will be happy to send you another tree. Please send your full name and address, and I will personally send one out to you next week.
We are happy that your friend’s tree was received up to your standards, and we do hope that it does well for you.
Again, I do apologize for this.
I am so very sorry your tree did not arrive in pristine condition. Everyone here on our team strives to grow and package beautiful trees that are just right for our customers. Clearly something happened to yours. We will ship a Large Magnolia Ann replacement tree today.
Can you please confirm the address for shipping? Again, I am sorry for our mistake.
Julie Roth
I am sorry about your tree. If you will send me your name and address, I will be happy to send a replacement for you.
We would like to make this right for you, Please let me know what plant or tree you would like.
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