In Memory Red Crepe Myrtle

Hardiness Zones 6-10
The USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map is the standard by which gardeners and growers can determine which plants are most likely to thrive at a location.
Care Information
General Care
Watering- Water your crape myrtle as needed to keep the surrounding soil moist. During summer heat, you will need to water it more often. Sun- Plant or place your crape myrtle in a full sun area. They need full sun to thrive. Fertilize- You want to fertilize your crape myrtle very lightly. Use a slow-release fertilizer formula in early spring and summer season. Pruning- Remove damaged leaves or branches during the late winter months. Pruning can aid in bloom production.
Planting Guidelines
When planting your crape myrtle select an area with neutral or slightly acidic well-drained soil and a sunny location. They’re sun lovers and need to receive 6-8 hours of sunlight daily. Dig a hole twice the size of the root ball and just as deep. Place your tree in the hole and make sure it is leveled with the surrounding soil. Backfill the hole with soil and water to settle the tree’s roots. Add mulch to help conserve moisture.
Winter Care
Ensure the crape myrtle roots are well-protected and mulched to help it endure cold winters. Consider pruning branches to lower level, new growth and blooms will come out as the tree emerges in the spring.
Potting & Container
Crape myrtle can grow well in a pot/container. Make sure you have a container/pot large enough to allow for growth. You will have to water it more often than if planted in the ground. Make sure to keep the soil moist (not soggy). Place it in a sunny location.
Thank you for your recent order and the kind words in the review. We appreciate your business.We send our deepest condolences, thoughts, and prayers to your recipient and their family. We know this Crepe Myrtle tree will thrive for many years to come, providing the perfect living memorial for their beloved son.
We are pleased to hear that you are able to give something meaningful to your recipient. It is our hope that this tree is a living reminder of their loved one, and a place to reminisce.
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Thank you for the kind words in this review. Each of us here at Seeds of Life strives to provide the best customer service possible to each of our customers. We love that we were able to provide a tree that will be a living memorial for a precious loved one.
Thank you for taking the time to leave us a review. We truly appreciate your business. We feel very honored to be a part of your thoughtful and kind gift. We cannot think of a better way to send a gift that can be in memory of a loved one, than a living tree or plant that will last for many years.
Thank you for taking the time to leave us a review. We truly appreciate your business. We are very honored to be a part of your thoughtful and kind gift. We cannot think of a better way to send a gift that can be in memory of a loved one, than a living tree or plant that will last for many years, and a the cross memento to also help keep their memory close.
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