In Memory Pink Camellia

Hardiness Zones 7-10
The USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map is the standard by which gardeners and growers can determine which plants are most likely to thrive at a location.
Care Information
General Care
Watering: Water every 4-5 days Sun: Partial Sun/ Partial Shade. Prune: Prune your Camellia after growth breaks.
Planting Guidelines
Camellias like shade to part sun with rich soil. Plant Camellias in well-drained soil. Plant 1-2 inches above surrounding soil use mulch around the exposed root ball. Water well after planting.
Winter Care
Water Camellias thoroughly before first freeze, moist soil will protect the roots. Mulch around the Camellia to help protect it.
Potting & Container
Potted Camellias require well drained soil and partial shade. Use a container twice the size of the root ball. Adding mulch will help retain moisture.
Thank you for taking the time to leave us a review. We truly appreciate your business. We feel very honored to be a part of your thoughtful and kind gift. We cannot think of a better way to send a gift that can be in memory of a loved one, than a living tree or plant that will last for many years.
We appreciate your business. Thank you for taking the time to complete the review.
We are very honored to hear that we can be a part of your thoughtful gift. Although they may be your "bonus" children or step children you love them and want them to have some peace and comfort in this time of grief. Losing your parent is always difficult and this was a perfect way to send a hug and your wishes for well-being . We as well, personally send our deepest thoughts, prayers and condolences during their healing process.
Thank you for your recent purchase. We appreciate your business and your words in the review.
As a part of our commitment to excellence, we are always striving to provide the best products. We know that these gifts are to be living, long lasting memorials, that will hopefully provide comfort and peace in turmoil times of loss. We are pleased to have met your expectations.
We send our condolences and prayers to the recipient. May they feel you walking beside them during their journey of grief and loss. We are honored to have been a choice for your thoughtful and kind gift.
We surely look forward to serving you again and in hope, maybe for a brighter occasion.
Kind Regards,
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