Fragrant Housewarming Gardenia Gift Tree
![Fragrant Housewarming Gardenia Gift Tree Fragrant Housewarming Gardenia Gift Tree](graphics/en-US/cssui/blank.gif)
Hardiness Zones 6-10
The USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map is the standard by which gardeners and growers can determine which plants are most likely to thrive at a location.
Care Information
General Care
Watering: Gardenias need 1 inch of water/rain each week. Keep the soil constantly damp but not soggy Sun: Full sun to light shade. Pruning: Prune the gardenia bush after flowering has ceased to keep the plant in good condition.
Planting Guidelines
Fall or spring is the most suitable time for planting the gardenia bush. Select a spot with full sun to light shade and where the soil is acidic. Dig a hole that is twice as wide than the root ball. Place fresh soil at the bottom of the hole and place gardenia in so the top of the root ball is even with the soil surface. Fill in soil and water deeply. You can apply a 2inch layer of mulch to help retain moisture.
Winter Care
Gardenias are cold sensitive and may die during severe winters. You can protect gardenias in winter by covering them with a blanket during brief cold periods. In areas with heavy snow you can use a cardboard box to cover the shrub to avoid bending of branches with snow.
Potting & Container
Gardenias can be successfully grown in containers or treated as indoor plants. If growing a gardenia indoors insure, they receive at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight. High humidity is essential to indoor gardenia care. Keep in a 1 gallon for first 6 months then gradually increase to a 3 gallon.
Sincerely, Maria Jaimes
Yes, April 29th will work. Our weather will be much nicer by then.
Thank you very much. I was so excited when I received them and I was really hoping I could get them to come back around. Losing my dad and then losing both his memorial plants was hard. It’s totally not your fault, just the timing and weather here in Montana at that time. We had record lows.
Thank you again.
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