Blooming White Drift Rose Memorial Gift
Hardiness Zones 4-10
The USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map is the standard by which gardeners and growers can determine which plants are most likely to thrive at a location.
Care Information
General Care
Watering: Water every 4-5 days increase as needed. Sun: Full Sun Pruning: You can prune your rose after growth breaks in early to mid-spring.
Planting Guidelines
When planting your rose, dig a hole wide enough and deep enough for the root ball. Best grown in rich, well-drained soil. Added organic matter is suggested. Place rose into the hole and gently break apart the sides of the root ball. Make sure the top of the root ball is leveled with the surrounding soil. Fill hole with soil and organic matter tapping firmly and watering thoroughly.
Winter Care
Before the winter months, apply a thicker layer of bark mulch that will act as a perspective layer. You can also cover your rose with a thin sheet over night when temperatures drop.
Potting & Container
When potting or transplanting a rose, check the moisture of the potting mix in the container and, if dry, water thoroughly. Use a container of 3 gallon or larger for your rose bush. Add organic matter for best results. Roses may be moved in early spring when dormant.
We are so very honored to have earned your business. We are happy to hear that our commitment to excellence and making customer service a top priority has proven to be able to meet your expectations.
We know that each plant and tree that leaves our farm has a special meaning and significance. There is so much thought put into these gifts, and we want to continue to send our care, concern, and hope with each package.
I send you my continued hope for comfort, peace, and healing with the loss of your mother. She may not be visible to your eyes but remember she is still always with you and felt in your heart.
Thank you again for your kind words and your business.
Kind Regards,
We are very honored to be a part of your special memorial gift. We appreciate your business.
The process of grief and sorrow is very difficult and it is heartbreaking to hear that this is the reason you have become a loyal customer, but I know that the recipients can feel your wishes for peace and comfort with each plant sent. We take great pride in all that we do and always strive for excellence. Thank you again, for allowing us to be a part of the healing process. We can only hope you may have a happier celebration to send the next plant. A new baby, a new home or even birthday is another perfect reason to send these beautiful plants.
Kind regards,
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