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Seeds of Life: Why We Do What We Do

At Seeds of Life, we’re in a bit of a niche market.

Unlike other companies that sell flowering plants and trees, our focus is on memory. Our customers don’t purchase a tree just for the sake of having a tree. They (you) opt for our products when they want to commemorate a memory, event, or person.

In fact, most of our products are in memory of beloved friends, family, or furry companions.

It Started with a Seed

Seeds of Life took root completely by chance, but it was hardly a random idea. Julie, one of our founders, stumbled across a hickory nut. She picked it up, came inside, and placed it on the kitchen counter. She and Matt (the other half of our founding duo) set the nut in soil, watered it, and left it in a sunny spot in the kitchen.

Julie and Matt have 4 kids, who are all grown now. At the time of this tale, they were your typical grade school munchkins. As parents, Julie and Matt really wanted to instill a sense of wonder, excitement, and love for the environment in their kids. Little projects and adventures like this hickory nut were something they put effort into including in their kids’ childhood adventures.

After a while, the nut’s tough outer casing cracked. Roots pushed through the shell into the dirt, and the seedling sprouted. The seed and its progress became a regular topic of excited discussion at morning breakfast - how many leaves it sprouted, how many inches it’d grown, where it was going to go when it got bigger.

Making Memories

“They grow up so fast” isn’t just something we say when we make small talk; it’s a sugarcoated truth that every parent comes to understand. Even as their kids are grown and starting their own lives, it’s as if the last 20 years went by in a day for Julie and Matt.

To this day, the hickory tree reminds the Roth family of that snapshot in time: 4 kids and their parents gathered together. Their kids have since moved out of the house, but the hickory tree remains.

Growing Up

Planting the hickory seed planted an idea. This tree carries memories - a living memorial for the Roths. With their green thumbs and larger than life hearts, Julie & Matt started Seeds of Life.

If you’ve ever started your own business, you know that it’s one of the most challenging and rewarding adventures you can ever embark on. Matt recounts that he wasn’t sure how the business would do at first. Do people truly have a need for these kind of products? Are they wanted? Does anyone else feel the same way?

Then the reviews started coming in.

Not So Little Anymore

At first, business took its time. Customers left product reviews periodically. Some were factual, and others were extremely sentimental and heartfelt.

Julie and Matt did what any business owner would do: they printed each and every one of them out and dedicated a special folder for holding the reviews. When business (and life) got tough, they turned to the folder and its treasured stories for inspiration.

Much like their plants and their kids, Seeds of Life grew - and grew fast. Today, it’s rare that a day goes by where an individual’s heartfelt experience with a memory tree doesn’t reach Julie and Matt’s desk. And yes, they still read each and every one.

Memory Garden

To immortalize each story (and to save paper), Julie and Matt added a page to the Seeds of Life website: The Memory Garden.

Each story of someone’s journey lives on in this time capsule, and they’re equal parts heartwarming and heartbreaking. Instead of telling you about them, we’ll share a few.

Whatever your reason for coming to Seeds of Life, there’s someone out there who shares a story just like yours. It’s truly community.

For a Furry Friend

“I received a small southern magnolia after the loss of my beautiful 12 year old Chihuahua, ChiChi, from my vet. I cried when I received it because of the thoughtfulness of my vet to think of me… Such a beautiful remembrance. A ray of sunshine on a very sad day.”

Remembering a Loved One

“The gift of a magnolia tree was received so well by my friend who lost her dad. She and her family, including her mom, his widow, were moved to tears. My friend planted her tree in her yard and as they marveled at it, a cardinal sang joyfully before flying away. Later, her landscaper completed the memorial and she can visit her dad whenever she wants. I thank you for such a lovely way to remember a loved one.”

Best Friends Forever

“I purchased this tree as a thank you to a dear friend who spent many hours researching my husband’s family tree. The plaque I included said “...Nurturer of All Trees.” Our friend was overwhelmed and enjoyed including the tree in his beautiful garden. It was a symbol of the special friendship we share and he looks forward to watching it bloom and grow and being reminded of us.”

Saying Exactly The Right Thing

From the Recipient: “Several friends gifted this in support of the loss of my adult daughter, who left too soon due to medical conditions.”
From the Purchaser:
“After the tragic unexpected loss of my dear friend’s daughter, I wanted to provide something beautiful and positive for him to see and invoke her memory for years to come.”

Celebrating a Birthday with Living Legacy

“Yesterday this oak tree sapling was delivered to my house in a tall, thin box — an early birthday present from some longtime, dear friends.

At first I was a bit baffled as to why someone would send such a gift to a sixty-four-year-old woman who likely will not be around to see this tree grow to maturity.

Further, I have no idea how to plant a tree. And it’s going to take some time and effort to figure this out. A gardener, I am not! It was a bit of a challenge just to get the burlap and plastic packaging off and get the “tree” in a small pot and watered so it won’t dry up before I have a chance to plant it. Is it really worth all this effort?” I wondered.

Then it struck me. “This is the perfect gift!,” I said to Robert. “This sapling is a picture of my calling in this season of life — to invest in the lives of younger women … to plant seeds for a time I will not live to see.”

This oak sapling is small, weak, and fragile. But properly planted and rooted, in time it will come to represent strength and endurance. It will provide shade and enjoyment for those coming after me, even as Robert and I so enjoy the beauty and shade of a majestic, mature white oak perched on our river bank — planted many years ago by someone who probably did not live to see the fruit of his or her efforts…”

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