Some of the most rewarding plants to grow are the plants that give back - especially when those gifts are tasty treats! Foodie gardeners come in all palates and flavors, like herb enthusiasts, veggie lovers, and fruit fans.
This one goes out to the fig aficionados!
Perfect for dried snacks, desserts, and an array of delectable delights, fig trees are an underrated favorite in fruity gardens.
The best part? Fig trees are super easy to care for.
Here’s everything you need to know (from our professional gardening team) about growing the finest figs in the friend group!
1. Know Your Tree
Gardening can be simple: take your plant, add sunlight and water, and leave it alone. But, the ratio of light to water and understanding what to expect with your horticultural adventures is a much more efficient way to see success.
Fig trees typically fruit in the late summer months into the start of fall, after the heat of the year is done. Some varieties are early birds and start to produce in early summer, but this is pretty uncommon.
Keep your tree’s age in mind. It takes a few years (3-5 years, in most cases) for a fig tree to fully mature. This means your tree is unlikely to fruit in its early years, even if it’s in peak condition. Be patient. It’ll get there!

2. Water: Less is More
Fig trees are GREAT gifts for friends who aren’t that good with plants because they’re rather drought tolerant.
That said, they do like quite a bit of water, but don’t panic if your area goes through a few dry weeks.
Trees that haven’t matured and started fruiting yet generally like to stay wet during their first few years. Keep the soil hydrated, but don’t waterlog it. Stick your finger about 2 inches into the soil before watering. If your fingertip comes away damp, it doesn’t need water just yet.
Established fig trees prefer to be watered about once a week. Don’t be afraid to fully saturate the soil, but as with young trees, don’t waterlog the soil.
If your delight in having a fig tree is the fruit it produces, be attentive to its water needs. A well hydrated tree is more likely to yield larger crops!
3. Well Draining Soil
Don’t overanalyze your soil. As long as you plant your tree in soil that drains well, it’ll be a happy camper.
This applies to fig trees rooted in the ground, as well as trees planted in pots.
To get a little technical, figs tend to prefer slightly acidic soil at a pH of 6.0-7.5, but this is more of a luxury than a requirement for good growth.
4. Pick a Good Location
Speaking of soil, location is an important factor that rides in tandem with the quality of care for your fig tree.
In ground trees need to be planted in a spot that doesn’t see standing water after heavy rain or snow. No matter how well your soil drains, your fig won’t be too happy if it’s drowning in a puddle every time it rains.
According to the USDA plant hardiness zones, fig trees thrive in zones 8-10. However, they can withstand the conditions of zones 6-7 with attentive care in the winter months.
As always, the zones aren’t hard and fast rules for plant care. They’re suggestions for best growing practices that indicate where the plant grows most effortlessly.
5. Here Comes the Sun
Like you on summer vacation, fig trees adore the chance to catch some rays.
These plants are full sun lovers, so keep them in a spot that sees 6-8 hours of direct sunlight every day.
6. Fig’s Favorite Plant Food (Fertilizer)
We generally recommend slow release fertilizers, if you choose to fertilize your plants. They’re cost effective, efficient at keeping your plant nutrient rich, and generally better for the environment because you use less over time.
Just like water, you’ll see a larger fruit yield if you choose to fertilize, but don’t overdo it. Less is more here, too.
7. Room to Grow
You may not realize it, but fig trees can get rather large! Make sure your tree is 10-20 feet away from other large plants, so the root ball has ample space to mature.
Choosing to grow your fig in a container is a whole other matter. Start at a pot that’s 18-24 inches in both diameter and depth, and don’t be afraid to upsize as the tree matures. Make sure your pot has drainage holes!
If you’re opting for a container, the dwarf varieties of fig are best suited to that environment.
8. Prune with Intention
Most trees prefer to be pruned while they’re dormant in the winter, and figs are no exception.
Shape your tree and remove unruly or diseased wood in one fell swoop when it’s cold outside (the middle to end of winter).
Pruning is how you ensure the tree has adequate airflow and gets light through the foliage, so don’t be shy! It also helps control pests and diseases. Trees that receive this level of attention and care are often the trees that produce the most.
9. Mulch is Your Friend
Newcomers to the garden circle often don’t see the benefits of mulching trees, but seasoned green thumbs understand this well: mulch is good!
For one, it traps water in the soil, so you don’t need to water as frequently. The environment and your water bill will thank you.
It also helps with weed control. Just make sure you weed the area around the tree trunk before you apply a layer of mulch.
10. Keep It Warm
Fig trees are generally very capable and hardy plants, but winter is when they are at their most vulnerable. Getting frostbite is the last thing you want for this tree (right next to overwatering).
During the winter months, wrap your tree in tarps, burlap, or even old sheets to keep the cold off their branches. In places that see snow and hard winter winds, consider planting your tree in a side yard that sees less direct wind or is next to a heat source, like a water heater.
Obviously, container fig trees have the greatest advantage here. Move them onto a porch or indoors entirely to help them through the cold season.
That’s It!
The short version: your fig tree friend loves lots of light, doesn’t like a ton of water, and thrives in warm climates. You’ll know your tree is happy when you see strong yields year after year and plenty of luscious foliage.
Run into a question or problem we didn’t cover? Send us an email or give us a call - we’re happy to help you grow your green thumb!